Lauren standing with clarinet in urban setting

What drives you? For me, curiosity has always been a motivator. How efficiently can I play this passage, how softly? What happens if I take this leap, perform and collaborate in a new way, explore a new medium?

With over a fifteen years of professional performance and teaching experience, my work ranges from solo, chamber, and orchestral performance to master class and guest artist appearances, to free improvisation events and ongoing collaborations with social scientists, artists and writers. I’m always looking for new partnerships and ideas, and love searching for ways to make music with meaning.

Lauren walking upstairs in modern museum playing, other clarinetists in the background, cold lighting

Improvised musical response to Anri Sala’s “The Last Resort” art installation at the Moody Gallery in Houston, TX

Selfie of Lauren and Stephanie with clarinets with blue sky on top of a mountain

Performing above 14,000 feet with Stephanie Zelnick for Summit Musicians’ high altitude series in Colorado

Candid photo of collaborators laughing with green trees in the background

Brainstorming session with social scientists Dr. Rebecca Gruby and PhD candidate JJ Blackwatters to discuss our “Radical Futures” project, telling the story with words and sound of radically just future Earth.